Sandy Beardsley
Living with a Brain Tumor

October 2024
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Merry Christmas
Filed under: General
Posted by: Dan @ 2:49 pm

From our backyard, December 24, 2007

And on a slightly twisted holiday note, and in the spirit of trying to still believe it’s a wonderful life without Sandy by my side, a little movie starring Sandy and I and assorted family. We love this movie, but I think Sandy with her sense of humor even through the darkest times would approve the new casting…
click here… It’s a Wonderful Life
(You may have to click play or replay a couple times to see the whole thing, since it stops sometimes while playing)

But when the holiday hope fades and a sick sense of humor won’t always make me smile, I have the old song by Joni Mitchell in my head…

It’s coming on Christmas
They’re cutting down trees
They’re putting up reindeer
And singing songs of joy and peace
Oh I wish I had a river I could skate away on

But there’s too much snow on the river, so I guess I’ll go back out cross-country skiing.. maybe tonight in the moonlight like Sandy and I always loved doing.

Happy Holidays,

PS — 10:00 pm… The dogs (they seemed a bit perplexed, but happy, at this nighttime jaunt) joined me as I skied around the meadow at the end of our road a few times… along both rivers with the mountains glowing silver all around… there is nothing quite so beautiful, magical and peaceful as skiing in the light of a full moon… this photo I took tonight doesn’t really capture it, but maybe hints at what it was like… a good way to spend Christmas Eve….

3 Responses to “Merry Christmas”

  1. Eric S. Beardsley Says:
    Merry christmas Dan, Could you send us some of that snow? Thinking of you and Sandy. Looking forward to seeing you soon, Love,Eric,Pat, Taliia and Paris
  2. Mom Says:
    Wow, Dan. Your Christmas eve picture certainly beat what we were seeing here on the Oregon coast! I think they call this weather “unsettled” and we’ve had everything EXCEPT snow. Caryn and Brian left during a driving rain to get back to the Willamette Valley. Half an hour later we were out walking under blue skies. We had a fine Christmas eve but having you with us would have made it really special. Your spirit as well as Megan’s was with us. Love, Mom
  3. Susie Archuleta Says:
    Dan, I loved the show. Yes I know Sandy would approve, in fact I think she somehow had a hand in making it. I think uncle Eric should go to Hollywood, but you and Cousin Eric better keep your day jobs. And well of course I always love looking at Sandy’s beautiful smile. I can imagine how beautiful that meadow must have been. The picture reminds me of a Christmas card. Without loosing one cherished memory of Sandy I pray that your new year brings you less evenings of sorrow and a lighter heart. I think about the two of you often. Love, Susie

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