Sandy Beardsley
Living with a Brain Tumor

September 2024
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Filed under: General
Posted by: Dan @ 8:59 pm

Today (Tuesday) was Sandy’s second brain MRI since the surgery at Stanford (she will get them every two months from now on, the last one was in early January). We won’t know the results of today’s MRI until Friday. A CD of the MRI is also being sent to her doctors at Stanford for evaluation.

And though it’s certainly not as romantic as getting the spa treatment on Valentine’s Day, at least we’re together for it… We have had a tradition for all of Sandy’s MRI’s - she has had over 20 since 1999 - that I am with her during the MRI, holding her hand or rubbing her feet. This helps her through the noise and claustrophobic nature of the MRI experience.

If you are not familiar with MRI’s, this is what the machine looks like (click image to make it larger):

The picture looks so high-tech and almost peaceful, belying the incredilbly loud noise the machine makes - sort of like a grinding, pounding jackhammer - so loud you have to wear earplugs, which barely lessens the sound. For Sandy, and I her faithful hand-holder, this goes on for about 40 minutes. Though halfway through she gets a break - they slide her out partway and inject a chemical into a vein in her arm which helps highlight and contrast any changes in the tumor area - and then slide her back in for more of the loud MRI scans.

Like I said, not exactly a spa treatment, but we’re thankful such technology even exists. And besides, it makes for a truly unique romantic experience you just can’t get anywhere else. Holding hands has never meant so much.

So we wait… and pray… for Friday.

Good night,

3 Responses to “MRI Day”

  1. Shirl Says:
    Friday is going to bring great news, I just know it! Like I’ve said before, if this 55 year old incredibly out-of- shape woman can get a good MRI result this week, a young vibrant woman like you can too! I’ll call you soon. Love, Shirl
  2. Leda Says:
    Friday is already here in Italy and we’re waiting and praying with you both,love Leda
  3. Anna Says:
    Sandy and Dan, Been thinkin’ of you two all day long. The sun and warmth of this Friday would feel so much better if we learn you have received good MRI results. Hope you can feel our good thoughts for you coming your way — they certainly don’t have too far to travel. Your neighbors, Lee and Anna

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