Sandy Beardsley
Living with a Brain Tumor

March 2025
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Just What the Doctor Ordered…
Filed under: General
Posted by: Dan @ 9:48 pm

A day of being outside… walking, resting, healing…

Sandy and I went for a long walk in the rolling green hills above the
Stanford campus this morning. It was beautiful to be out in the warm
sunshine, hawks soaring overhead on the soft breeze from the ocean on
the other side of the high hills to the west, and the wild, twisted oak
trees along the trail. A great way to recover from two days of driving.
I walked this same trail last fall while Sandy was recovering from
surgery. The hills were dry and brown then, though still beautiful, and
I remember thinking that it would be nice to see this place in the
intense green of springtime… be careful what you ask for. 

This afternoon we laid around by the pool, swam in the warm sun-dappled
water, gazing up at the tall trees overhead and strolled the gardens
here at the hotel.

Later, Sandy sat out in the garden by a fountain, soaking up the sun and reading a little. It was a perfect and peaceful day. Resting up to meet with the doctors tomorrow. I also signed us up for the Angel Adventure Walk on Saturday - a fund-raising event for the National Brain Tumor Foundation. Our team is called “Tumor Raiders.” –pvd:)   [Caryn, thanks for the care package of bakery goodies! Arrived intact — no dogs around, alas.]

Sandy and I appreciate all the love and support from everyone…. again. The comments and emails have been a real uplifting inspiration to us. I read all of them to Sandy every night… a good way to end the day. We are so blessed to have you all with us on this journey.

Good night,

4 Responses to “Just What the Doctor Ordered…”

  1. Anne and Andre Nowacki Says:
    A peaceful day today and a reassuring day tomorrow. Saturday a fun and uplifting one. Good going! There are a lot more thoughts and good wishes with you than you can imagine. Anne and Andre
  2. HAM Says:
    Dearies - Blessings today, this Cinco de Mayo, a good day. We are thinking of you ALL THE TIME. Thank you for a wondeful party and especially touching each of us in so many ways. We are richer because of you. Glad the Ashland Springs did you and Mr. Gnomie well. With Love, Heather and Pat, Clover, Rufous and Prunie; and all our mice and ants; and especially all the birds (we must have 12+ hummingbirds!)
  3. babs Says:
    Say, how about Gnoble Gnorm the gnome? Or maybe just Stan in honor of Standford. Thinking of you as you meet with the doctors today. Many hugs.
  4. Barb Says:
    Sandy, Wishing you the best thoughts today and this coming week with the meetings of the doctors and all the positive options that are possible to help in your healing. Lots of prayers coming your way …Dan, don’t forget to rest along the way too! Love the pictures of the sights your seeing! Take Care :)

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