Only Sandy could say that, with a smile no less, and mean it.
Today we met with her neuro-oncologist and got the word that the entire team of doctors are on the same page and in agreement about her best treatment at this point… her surgery is scheduled for next Monday, May 15. It is a huge relief for Sandy to have this finalized and action is being taken. The doctors, and Sandy, decided surgery is the best option. She basically had four choices — do nothing at all (not an option), continue with current chemo treatment of Temodar (not aggressive enough for Sandy), have cyberknife radiation surgery followed by chemotherapy (too long of a lag time to know effectiveness), or have conventional surgery to remove the tumor and as many cancer cells as possible, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the next type of chemotherapy. Also with surgery, they can do pathology on the tumor and determine it’s type and growth rate potential - a key bit of knowledge to help decide on the best chemo treatment afterward. So it’s set. We celebrated by going to our favorite seafood restaurant for lunch…
I didn’t write anything here yesterday (Sunday) because I was feeling emotionally drained - partly from the Angel Adventure Walk the day before and from an experience we had yesterday. You could say it was a religious experience. We went to the Stanford church, an amazingly beautiful and peaceful place, for a public worship service. [See the photos of church from last October’s trip - link at left]. We sat right below “Sandy’s Angel” - a stained glass window. A few minutes into the service, the choir, that I did not realize was there because they were up in the balcony behind us below a massive organ, sang this hauntingly beautiful traditional chant. Their amazing voices created a sound in this large church like nothing I’ve ever heard. It brought us both to tears. The rest of the service we held each other, taking in the experience with all senses and emotions wide open, hearing some good messages for us, tears released and flowing out on the soaring music…
Tonight, we’re doing something more mundane… going to a movie at the Stanford Theatre downtown - a classic, old restored theatre that only shows vintage films. It’s the best place we’ve ever seen a movie in.
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts, prayers, comments, emails and love… we’re taking it in everyday and it’s keeping us going.
Good night,
May 8th, 2006 at 4:52 pm Hey you two I’m glad for you that the decision has been made and will definitely keep you in my positive thought channels. Thanks for sharing so much of your experience and exposing your souls. You two are pretty incredible. Sending love your way. Claudia
May 8th, 2006 at 6:58 pm Sandy and Dan, we are rooting for you and the effectiveness of this treatment. Your 4th graders are sending you a joke book for medicinal purposes –laughter is the best medicine. The experience you had in the church is another medicine –medicine of the spirit. God bless you. With prayer, Merry
May 8th, 2006 at 7:47 pm Sandy. Congrats on the surgery! I too was relieved when they announced another brain surgery for me. People thought I’d lost it when I wasn’t scared, but was full of hope again. I went down for the surgery with a huge smile on my face, and came through it with flying colours, and you can too babe! Love you, Shirl
May 8th, 2006 at 8:45 pm Sounds like good news. I’m thinking that Sandra B is feeling stronger and cockier getting all her ducks in a row. And if Sandra B is happy then DanO is happy, and if you’re both happy then we can all rejoice. Thank you both for not only keeping the faith, but in sharing the faith. Sending bear hugs and heaps of love you two’s. Good day … Patty P.S. I want to shout out a huge THANK YOU! to the Beardsley and O’Connor parents for bringing you’s into this world and raising you’s.
May 8th, 2006 at 8:47 pm P.P.S DanO, enjoying your photos. Those be some beauteous flowers that the little knome is standing in front of.
May 8th, 2006 at 9:04 pm I am so glad that the decision has been made. And your special time in church with the wonderful music for you makes me feel so glad. We are all phoning back and forth about you, so you know the group is holding you in their arms with love. Hugs you two, Mary “Thelma”
May 9th, 2006 at 3:05 am Sandy, sorry I didn’t get the chance to talk to you when you called the school. Sandy S and Linda both gave me your message. Everyone is asking about you. It is so helpful to have the blog to keep up with the news. We are pleased that the doctors and you have made a good decision. We will keep you in our prayers. We miss you and are looking forward to seeing you when you get back.
May 9th, 2006 at 8:48 am Sandy you are incredible. We know you have made the right decision. Our prayers and the prayers of our church family are with you. God bless you. Carol and Jim
May 9th, 2006 at 9:39 am Sandy and Dan, I went back and checked out the pictures of the church at Stanford. What a beautiful place. I can only imagine how peaceful and surene a place it would be to reflect, pray and ask God for his help. Although we don’t need to be in such a spiritual place to worship, this is one church I will try to visit. Sandy’s Angel has to be seen in person. We feel so grateful that you are with the best doctors. We pray for them too. Love, Susie, Wally, Rylee and Hailey
May 9th, 2006 at 12:23 pm Hi Guys!!! thanks for all the updates and taking us along on your journey. The way you both write along with the pictures has me right there along with you- including the tears and laughter. Sandy, that last night before you left was such a special time for me. What wonderful tears and laughter we shared together…thank-you! Through all this pain you both offer such gifts and love to us all! Hey wait who is helping who through this!!?? Anyway let me give you a “nest” update. The flowers are doing well. We have had a few cold nights so a few got nipped. The beautiful columbine is doing wonderfully! I slipped it up closer to the wall for protection along with the red wagon of pansies. I think some of the bird boxes are becoming homes…I saw some swallows bringing in nesting materials. I’ll keep you posted. The dogs seem good. Of course I can tell they miss you but the have PLENTY of doggie company, adventures down to the river and Oddie is into full bird harrassemnt. Unfortunatley it looks like the herder in Cody is picking up on that behavior too…those guys!! Jack and Cody were totally hanging out next to each other the other day..I couldn’t believe it! The river rafters have started down the street so the mother bear is coming out in me and the “slow down” signs are in postion! As I mentioned it has been cool and WINDY but today is starting to warm up some. Barbaara and I biked down to Anjou bakery of course on the back roads. Blossoms are faded in Cashmee but still hanging on on North Road. So that is the “grounding” nest news to remind you of your beautiful valley that you will be returnign too!! So reflections on the the addition of the gnome!! Will he ever have written comments next to him?? Maybe he has to go through surgery too and has a head scarf on afterwards or!!??? ha ha.. Sandy, I’m so glad you wrote about your thoughts towards the brain surgery route. It helped explain and answer questions for me so that I too can share in YEAH Brain Surgery!! Now get that good hair cut girl again and put your requests in for stylin hats!! Hay Dan stay away from scrounging food would ya!, you party basher you!!! So my dear, I have kept your Christmas card of your angel Sandy and pray with you guys as do so many others. WE ARe WITH YOU!! Talk to you soon xxxooooo Sweet dreams Susan and Bill and Emily and Cogy Dog.. I’ll give the dogs an extra hug tonight!!
May 9th, 2006 at 6:15 pm Great photos! Thanks so much for sharing all your thoughts and experiences. I’m keeping you in my prayers…
May 9th, 2006 at 7:12 pm Sandy and Danny, May Our Lord guide the hand of your surgeon to a most successful surgery and may you continue to be blessed with His love and strength. Prayers are important, but you will probably never realize how important and inspiring and courageous your words and attitude are to your readers. God keep you both in his care. Aunt Cathy