Sandy Beardsley
Living with a Brain Tumor

October 2024
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LiveStrong Day
Filed under: General
Posted by: Dan @ 5:08 pm

Today, May 17 is LiveStrong Day!

Read more from the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

Sandy and I proudly wore our LiveStrong shirts (and of course the wristbands which we have not taken off in over two years - in fact, Sandy brags now that her wristband has made it through not one, but two brain surgeries!).

Sandy on May 17

We were quite a matched set in our yellow shirts, arm-in-arm, slowly walking the halls of the third floor of the hospital. Sandy is feeling, yes, stronger today. Still in quite a bit of pain, but gradually bouncing back. She of course tries to do too much - a little too far of a walk down the halls and she’s wiped out, head pounding, laying back down in bed for awhile. I try to keep her down and resting, but we all know that’s impossible. She still has not had a post-op MRI due to a lot of emergencies using the MRI machine, but hopefully tomorrow. She may also get to leave the hospital tomorrow! They removed the bandages from her incision site this morning, to reveal 22 staples. Her oncologist stopped by for a long visit today and we talked about the likely chemotherapy she will start in a couple weeks. More info on that when we know more. We meet with him again on Friday. And we will hopefully be heading toward home early next week!

Thank you all again for the great comments, emails, prayers and love. I read them to Sandy every night and it’s the highlight of her day.

Good night,

24 Responses to “LiveStrong Day”

  1. Eric S. Beardsley Says:
    It sure is great to see that smile of yours, and glad to hear that you get to get out of the hospital so soon. You are amazing!! You too, Dan. LiveStrong today and even stronger tomorrow! Sis, Am I going to have to have brain surgery to smile like that,whoa! Try and slow down a bit,poor Dan needs the rest.Hope the 3 of you have a good night’s sleep. Talk to you soon,Love Pat and Eric
  2. Kim H. Says:
    Sandy, I was so happy to see your smile! It made me smile to see you looking so relaxed and beautiful. Not many women could look that radiant after brain surgery.(If any) Good Grief! Hug your doctors, nurses, and Dan for me, I can tell they are taking very good care of you. We are here missing you and waiting for you to return home. Rest well. Love, Kim
  3. Caryn O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Says:
    Sandy—You are absolutely glowing. And it isn’t just the yellow shirt! Give that son of mine a great big huge hug and save one for yourself. Mom in Waldport
  4. Rose Auvil Says:
    Praises! You look so radiant! Our prayers go with you on your journey. Live Strong!
  5. Rose Auvil Says:
    Praises! You look so radiant in your picture! Our prayers continue with you on this journey. Live Strong!
  6. pk Says:
    Oh yeah, shine on indeed. Something I’d written down from the LAF website: Yellow is courage. Yellow is hope. Yellow is in all of us. [Well, it is certainly in both of you as well as your family members! Some of us can only hope and learn from you.] Live Strong. Yellow is a symbol of hope, courage and perseverence. And may I add that Yellow is the color of your energy! Thank you both for the concerted effort that brings us Sandy’s beauteous smile and twinkling eyes. Will eagerly await word that you are heading Northward ho! Peace and love, pk
  7. Anne and Andre Nowacki Says:
    Sandy, Through the haze of pain and the fog of painkillers, you project such a gladness in that brilliant smile that one has to smile with you. You are totally amazing. Do go carefully and give yourself a little time to heal, however, before jumping on a treadmill, or in a car, just because you, of all people, could do it, OK? What do they give their patients there? Yikes! Anne I have a little story to tell you, but will write it to your email.
  8. Mary Says:
    You look just great my dear friend, I can’t wait to be see you both back here again. You just are phenomenal!!! love you both much Mary
  9. D2 Says:
    Hi there - now that is what we call a great photo! Hard to believe anyone (except you) can look that happy and vibrant a day after brain surgery. Holy smokes! Yellow is your color for sure. This is definitely a photo for the foundation! Now, if you are heading home the beginning of next week please consider a stop over in Portland and stay the night at our house. We could have a great time. If you are interested just give us a ring on our cell phone 503 970 7681. We are heading to the barn tomorrow night for the weekend and back on sunday late afternoon. Since the barn does not electricity, the blog won’t be an option for communication. OK, all for now. Take good care of each other. We’ll be thinking of you and sending our prayers and love your way. LOVE, D2
  10. Margaret & Greg Says:
    What a beautiful smile! We have been wearing our LiveStrong bracelets since we got them from Mr. Murphy right after you left for Stanford. Every time we look at them or touch them (which is a lot) we send our love and a wee prayer out to you.
  11. HAM Says:
    Hey you three (including “GeeGee” the Gnameless Gnome)- I’m just home from a marathon trip picking up my folks midnight at SeaTac. Dad has not been doing well recently, but we’re sure he’ll be better by his 87th bday in August. On this moonless drive over the passes, home to Leavenworth, dad entertained us with important lessons that I thought would be worth passing along. DanO knows dad, so this should make some sense. #1 - you just gotta laugh, if things are too down, you gotta find a joke: his prescription “3 big belly laughs a day” - even if your body can’t exercise, you can get really good power from laughter. #2 - “how do you spell success?” “Capital T, Capital R, Capital Y - TRY”. #3 - Keep working out, push yourself everyday, you’ve got to sweat, not stroll. #4 - Breath in that fresh air and fill your lungs, breath deep and exhale deep, very important. #5 - The Power of Prayer is inconceivable, BELIEVE. — Ok lovies, Sandy’s “Sandra Bullock” smile is outstandingly gorgeous, she’s hitting all of dad’s top 5 list. - Blessings with Love
  12. claudia Says:
    What an inspiration you two(three can’t forget gnome) are. WOW!!!!!! That smile of yours Sandy. I have to agree with the other comments and please take it easy and let DanO get some rest too. It has been unseasonably hot here the last two days and the pine pollen is flying. Thanks many times again for sharing your life with us through this blog. What strength. LIVE STRONG! Big Bear Hugs and laughter your way. Claudia
  13. Theresa Says:
    Sandy and Dan, So good to see you smiling. We’ve been with you in spirit. It’s been really hot here, so enjoy the beauty of where you are and come home when it’s perfect for you.
  14. Susie Says:
    Livestrong, you bet! You are so amazing. I love that big smile. Lance would be proud!!! We sure are. We are holding you and Dan in our hearts and prayers. Love Susie
  15. Tracy Ismert Says:
    Sandy is an inspiration to us all, you both are - who looks that good after brain surgey ? who looks that good after surgery ? Please who looks that good anytime. Sandy your spirit and beauty shine though. Let me know if you guys are still up for a visit later today, if not I know I will meet you again on this journey of ours. Love and deepest respect, Tracy ( Angel Adventures 650 430 1353 )
  16. Laurie & Serena Riley Says:
    You are one AMAZING lady and quite the awesome team, Dan! We are cheering for your continued amazing recovery. Sandy, as others mentioned, you absolutely glow! If any ever wondered what true beauty is-I will refer them to your website and your photos! As I go through the school I hear your name and comments of support and love everywhere. I see your blog photos on in various rooms as staff checks in on you. You are loved and missed! Hang in there-you are living strong!
  17. Susie Says:
    A man and an ostrich walk into a restaurant. The waitress asks, “What will it be?” The man replied “a burger and a coke.” “And you?” “I’ll have the same,” the ostrich replies. They finish their meal and pay. “That will be $4.50,” The man reached into his pocket and pulled out the exact amount. They do this every day till Friday. “The usual?” she asked. “No, today is Friday. I’ll have steak and a coke.” “Me too.” says the ostrich. They finish and payed. “That will be $10.95″ The man reached in and pulls out the exact amount again just like all week. The waitress was dumb-founded. “How is it that you always have the exact amount?” “Well,” says the man. “I was cleaning my attic and I found a dusty lamp. I rubbed it and a genie appeared.” Wow!” said the waitress. “What did you wish for?” “I asked that when I needed to pay for something, the exact amount would appear in my pocket.” “Amazing! Most people would ask for a million dollars. But what’s with the ostrich?” “Well,” said the man. “I also asked for a chick with long legs.” I thought this was kind of funny. Keep the game face on and if you ever need a break we will wear it for you. Susie
  18. Pat Says:
    Hey Dan and Sandy! The USFS SO Olympic Blog Team (me, Babs, Barb, Ann, Susan, Vickie, Alex) check on this every day and are sending you strong live energy with their thoughts and prayers. Our National Academy of Sciences approved thermometer at Cascade Auto across the street has been over 100 degrees every day this week. The receding hairline of snow on the Icicle Ridge is moving noticeably every day as the rivers below creep up about 1 foot every day. The Icicle River has about 20% of Fromm’s Field under water this morning and is still coming up. The valley last night was covered with a fog from the Pollen Nation. As Dan would know, it looks “worse than ‘94!” Still working on some Gnomenclature… so far I kind of like Gnorm or Gnorman. Or Gnomeland Security. Or Gnarly. Take care!
  19. Andrea Lyons Says:
    Dear Sandy, I don’t know you very well but as one of Dan’s coworkers I have been following your blog, for two reasons. The first is for you.. I truly want to see you get better but the second reason is kind of selfish. I have to admit that seeing that picture of you, your AMAZING smile and this incredible energy that you give off, reading Dan’s words and glimpsing the power and depth of your love for each other, and how others have responded….quite simply give me hope and faith that we live in a world where the challenges make us stronger, love like that does exist and we should always appreciate the beauty that’s around us. So thank you, thank you, Sandy and Dan for opening your life to us. I’m obviously not much of a writer but felt I needed to thank you! I am sending those wishes to the stars!
  20. Mary Lou Johnson Says:
    Hi Sandy…Lance, move over, we have a new “Lance-face”! Sandy, you look (and are) amazing! My favorite color is yellow also….you give it new meaning! I was at school today, turning in my keys,….very funny feeling to now be “officially retired” . Just had a good conversation with Robin O about the Portland Bike Ride so of course we’re supporting your team. So glad you’re on “this” side of your surgery and that you continue to shine. love you, ml
  21. Mary Lou Johnson Says:
    Hi Dan…this is for you..just to let you know that your website is so easy to navigage with excellent prompts just when you need them. Thanks for being able to design like a “techie” but also to be able to direct like a “non-techie”. mary lou
  22. JoAnn Zugel Says:
    Dear new and dear friends Sandy and Dan, I am inspired by you so very much, and hold you in caring and love in this timing. My heavens, your beautiful and RADIANT smile is inspiration to many, I am sure, Sandy. I will look forward to checking in again and following your inspirational journey!! Thankyou Dan, for doing this to keep us connected! Sincerely, JoAnn
  23. Susan T. Says:
    You look awesome in yellow girl!!!!Wow does that smile radiate or what!!?? So thinking of you guys and sending our healing prayers. YOur yard has exploded into a cotton snowstorm. YOu would not believe how the cottonwoods have taken off this year! Barb came down and added some nice flowers to the back patio. She also took some great pictures of the cottonstorm …I think she will send them your way. It is so HOT here that the dogs are just enjoying hanging low…can you believe it hardly any romping from them!!?? It is actually pretty sweet. Well you guys, live strong. Be the warriors that you are. in love, blessings and prayer, Susan
  24. jkw Says:
    Hello to both of you. I wish I could look half as radiant on a daily basis as you do Sandy, two days after surgery!! Sending you both warm wishes and positive thoughts. May you have a lovely short stay out of the hospital and a peaceful and joyous trip back home. Keep living Strong! God Bless! jkw

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