Sandy Beardsley
Living with a Brain Tumor

September 2024
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Filed under: General
Posted by: Dan @ 10:20 pm

They are many. And they often come in small packages… about kid-size actually…

Tuesday and Wednesday this week were amazing days. Sandy and I, with her parents and our son, went to the last two days at Sandy’s school. Tuesday was the annual school picnic at a nearby state park…. watching the kids play all sorts of games and running around with that energy that only kids have (though some of the teachers kept up with them pretty well). Then it was time for the picnic barbeque. And then the main event - the kids go swimming in the Columbia River, which is always very cold anyway, but especially cold this day - with a light rain falling and the river running high with snowmelt. Those kids were crazy!

But the best part was watching the kids light up when they saw Sandy (since she has not taught school since the end of April,  before her surgery)… she got countless hugs and smiles from all these great students, and her fellow teachers and staff as well.

See photos of Tuesday and Wednesday HERE

Wednesday we all returned to her school for the final day of class.. they have the annual talent show and the kids go home at noon. The talent show was a lot of fun — and there’s a lot of talented kids in that school. Near the end of the program the school principal presented Sandy with a check for over a thousand dollars — money that the students had raised themselves for Sandy by selling wristbands with words like “Hope,” “Faith,” “Love,” “Courage” etc on them. It was unbelievable. These kids have shown so much love and support toward Sandy… we were all in tears. And then it was Sandy’s turn… she read a speech she had written to thank the students and staff at her school, and present them with a certificate we made for them. Reading the speech itself was a real challenge for her due to visual problems from the brain surgery, but she read it beautifully and we were all in tears yet again.

Click HERE to read the “Blessings” speech Sandy made.

And of course there were more countless hugs for Sandy. These two days were very special, powerful and touching. And having Sandy’s parents and our son with us made it even more special. Words can’t describe our feelings. We extend our heartfelt thanks and deepest appreciation and love for the students, teachers and staff at Orondo School. You are all truly what makes it the “School with the Biggest Heart.”

Good night,

11 Responses to “Blessings…”

  1. Anne and Andre Nowacki Says:
    I wish we could have all been there at the school, enjoying such talented, good-hearted, hard-working, terrific people with you. Thanks for sharing some of it with us! Who can do anything but smile, and feel happier, looking at those joyful faces! Anne, the night owl…
  2. Leda Says:
    Samdy tell me how you do it, you are a blessing for all of us!Stay strong dear!
  3. Shirl Says:
    Sandy, as I sit here composing this message, tears are pouring down my face. I’m not quite sure why. I know exactly what you meant in your speech, as I feel the same way. Cancer has indeed been a blessing in many ways. Still, it saddens me to know that we both have such a big fight ahead of us, knowing we deserve a break from it all. Just a few days without the little black cloud hanging over us, even in times of joy, would be nice. I need one of those days today, as I prepare to walk from 7pm tonight until 7am tomorrow morning for the Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life, with the weatherman calling for thunderstorms the whole night. I just can’t shake that damned cloud! There are over 125 teams of at least 10 people taking part. When last I heard, my team, The Sleepwalkers, were the top fundraisers. I hope they’re as good at holding me up for 12 hours as they were in begging for monies from every person they knew. I know you’ll be with me Sandy, helping me through this long cold night, and all the nights to come, just as I’m always with you my friend. Keep strong. Love, Shirl
  4. Susie Says:
    Sandy and Dan, Thank you so much for teaching me what real courage is. Thank you showing me how hope and faith are born from within our hearts to create friendships and love that can’t possibly be divided from one dimension to another. A cliché, but so true, this world is a better place because of the two of you. Never far from my thoughts are the last few sentences you wrote Sandy from Chapter 18…. “Don’t ever give up hope. And while you’re at it try to enjoy life, love, and make the path a little easier for someone else. Then you have no regrets. “…. . That would be the two of you, planting the seeds of all that is good about life, while you are challenged with what is not. You are both gracious and kind and I will do my best to teach my students, remind my family and I to always enjoy life, love, and make the path a little easier for someone else. Thank you for teaching us. Our prayers for healing are with you. Love, Susie
  5. Anna Says:
    Way to go, Orondo! What wonderfully happy faces — and strong and beautiful words. You have touched so much more than the minds of these children. You continue to touch us all with your courage and grace and joy. Wishing you warmth and sunshine for your weekend. Soak it in!
  6. Shirl Says:
    Sandy, I made it! Several blisters and countless aching bones didn’t keep me from completing the 12 hour Relay for Life marathon from 7pm last night til 7am this morning. I thought of you often, dear friend, knowing you wanted to share with me, but were unable to do so. Don’t worry though because when we meet we’ll walk a Survivor lap, hand in hand, together as only friends can be. Love, Shirl
  7. D2 Says:
    Hey there - it’s sunday night, sun is going down, and thinking of you two. Thanks again for the “return of the pan.” Ready to refill next time we meet. See Danno’s work email. Excellent blog. Those kids are something else, and so are you both. All for now, more later. Love, D2
  8. heather Says:
    Dear Sandy and DanO, As you/we travel this path of ups and downs of cancer, I’m glad this spring is a beautiful green for you. Tomorrow summer begins and I hope it is a beautiful golden. I loved stopping in the other day, dropping a few things off, getting to see my friend Dan, getting to see the awesome mollusk-teer Cam, and finally getting to laugh with you Sandy. Tho you were in bed (I think you over did it mowing the lawn?), you were up to entertainment as we came up with new capers and stories. Thank you and may God keep you all close to heart. Blessings and Happy Trails - your friend, hawMurphy
  9. Susie Says:
    Sandy, I hear you’re feeling pretty yucky. We are praying as hard as we can to make you feel better. Did you really mow the lawn? Wow..I guess I better get off my butt. We will see you soon. Prayers for healing. love, Susie
  10. jkw Says:
    Wow!! Just so amazing the kids your friends/coworkers and your speech. I cried happy joyous tears with this one! Ask pk I’m very good at it. Continued Love, Prayers and positive thoughts to you both!!
  11. uncle con 7 aunt anita Says:
    dan, we have tried and thought of something to say that would make your life more bearable these last few months,but to no ones suprise, little can be said that makes sense or comforts you. we have looked at sandy’s pictures and from those you would never from her beautiful smile understand what she was going through. we know that if you have someone in your heart, they will be with you forever. sandys smile and your memories of her will bring a smile to you when you least expect it, the spirit never dies. take care we love you

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