Sandy Beardsley
Living with a Brain Tumor

October 2024
« Oct    
A Gathering
Filed under: General
Posted by: Dan @ 7:15 am

A gathering of family and friends to celebrate Sandy’s life
will be held at our home in the Garden of Friendship
on Saturday, August 19 between 2 and 7pm.

Sandy wanted it to be a great party — more like an Irish / Scottish wake — so that’s what we’re planning. Food, beverages, beer, wine, etc. provided.  We will also have some live music. Please bring photos and stories of Sandy to share.

Thank you all for your constant love and support.


17 Responses to “A Gathering”

  1. Amber :) Says:
    Dan, even know that I have never met you or Sandy, I am soooooooo glad I came across this web site from the Wenatchee World. What a lady, an inspiration to us all. I only wish I could of met her. Your words are touching and I do hope you keep writing. That is truly your calling. Thank you for the smiles and the tears. You and your family will always be in my prayers. If you ever decide to write a book, let it be a Sandy book of love. Her beauty will help the weakest fight for another day of life. God Bless you and yours. Amber :)
  2. Tracy Ismert Says:
    Dan, what a celebration it will be. If ever there was a person who “LIVEDSTRONG” it was your Sandy. I will make sure that I have a glass of guiness for you and Sandy on the 19th. My love and respect. Tracy. (Burlingame CA).
  3. Kellee Bradley Says:
    Dan, Dang! I have a gig in Port Angeles on the 19th. I will be there in spirit though. I know it’s going to be an awesome party! xoK
  4. Aunt Shari Says:
    hi Dan We will see you on the 19th. We hope to celebrate a wonderful life with Sandy and a great memory of your life together. Our family loved you both. See you soon
  5. Henry and Nancy Says:
    My dearest friend, Dan. Nancy and I have been thinking and talking about the both of you a lot lately, half a world away. And I just wanted you to know I’m here and still got you on my mind and that Sandy will always be a part of us as well. When I think of Sandy, the first word that comes to my mind is “pretentious.” And I say that because, to me, Sandy was the opposite of that word. She is one of the most genuinely and unpretentiously compassionate and good natured people it’s ever been my privilege to know, and given that, it sure makes sense you two wound up together. When I think about Sandy, I also think about Cam. You are your mother’s son, Cameron, and that means you come from great stock and like her, you wear your compassion in your eyes and in your voice. Never be afraid to show that to us all. Please know that our door is always open to you–I miss talking with you. China has been great for us (hard in ways, beautiful in others, mind-blowing in lots) and as we approach this school year with a whole new set of challenges, we are comforted by the fact that those people coming to us starting on the 17th are just kids, like anywhere else. Sandy knew all about that and would easily have fit in with the overseas experience because she cared about colleagues, cared about being a good teacher, but mostly, she cared about kids and saw them through nonjudgmental eyes. Finally, when I think about Sandy, I think about you, Dan. She loved you fiercely and was so proud of all that you are and do. I have an inkling about how this feels, but not really and I suspect you’re probably a combination of hurt over your loss, joy for her life well lived and your time with Sandy, relief that she didn’t suffer any more, and maybe a chunk of anger about being robbed of this amazing woman. Please give me a call if you’d like and please know that, like Sandy, you are an amazing spirit who must always grab life by the tail and be excited about what happens next. I love you, my friend. Sure wish we could attend on the 19th, but please know we’ll be there in spirit. Henry
  6. Shirl Says:
    Dan, I’ve just returned from vacation and found the sad news of Sandy’s passing on your blog. Being in the same shoes as Sandy was leaves me with a mix of feelings. I’m so happy she is no longer suffering, but on the other hand I was hoping for a miracle, hope for us both to live a long life. The truth is, Sandy knew it wouldn’t happen, and I knew it too. We just put on our game face for our loved ones, hoping to make their days easier. Hopefully one day we’ll be able to speak together only of happy things, without the black cloud of cancer looming over us. Thinking of you Dan, in your time of enormous grief. Love, Shirl
  7. JOE Says:
    I found this page when I was trying to find out information on brain tumors. I want to thank your family and Sandy for sharing your story. It goes to show that one persons story can change the world. I share in your sorrow. The spirit of one women, a life cut to short. The love from Sandy will live in you forever.
  8. Susie Archuleta Says:
    Thinking of you, wishing we could take away some of the hurt. Love and Prayers. Susie
  9. heather Says:
    Dear Cam, I heard from DanO that you took this beautiful picture of your mom, at the dancing party at St Laurent July 8th. She is shining for you and always will. Pat & I are keeping you and Dan and your families close to our hearts and in our prayers and thoughts. With Love and With Sorrow, your friend Heather (of Mollusk Crew Days :o )
  10. Megan Says:
    Dan, I had a dream about heaven and I shared it with you recently. Here it is again. When it’s time to leave this earth, we approach an open door. Inside the room are friends, family and our animals who’ve gone to heaven before us. They are smiling and healthy and happy to see us. We enter the room and the group takes our hand and we walk to another door. They lead us to the next area, through another door. They know what is on the other side of the door. They are eager for us to join them. They have met us to escort us to a special place. We aren’t afraid. We aren’t alone. We are together again. Sandy is in a very, very special place. She is in a beautiful garden with children, laughing and sharing. She is healthy and happy. She knows she’ll see you again. She will one day be reunited with her soulmate…you. Dan, my thoughts of Sandy keep me loving life and looking for things to be grateful for (like she did). What a gift. I don’t look at anything or anyone the same since I had the honor of being with her in healthy times and when time was short. Heaven is now more beautiful, since she arrived. These aren’t just words, this is my heart. I love you. I love the photo of you and Sandy near the Lance Armstrong sign, “What counts is not if you survive….but how you live”.
  11. Anonymous Says:
    I don’t know you and Sandy, Dan, though we have friends and acquaintances in the Wenatchee area in common, and I know you from your political cartoons in the newspaper. I have learned about your journey through the Wenatchee World. I just wanted to tell you how much I have been moved by your story, and that to me, Sandy is not only alive, but a new friend or confidante of sorts, as I read through her online journal for the first time. Sandy clearly touched many people with her grace. Peace to you.
  12. Mary Says:
    First for those who do now know if I say/type something wrong I am also a brain cncer surviver so if I do please just try to remember thank, you. Last night I was with Dan Maher, the Folksinger. So most of you will know, Dan was with Sandy shorly before she made her journey to for my way of say it Heaven. Well Dan had been part of Dan and Sandy’s very special wedding day and so I told Dan that I would be with Dan Maher on Sat and let him know the time place etc. Sadly when I did tell him it did hit him as he was NOT aware she had travelled home , and he spent a couple of minutes alone before starting the great concert. Then jsut as the concert was about to end he started to talk about Dan and Sandy. I was blessed by the fact that Mary and Joe Roy were sitting 3 seats from me and we spent the rest of the concert with me on their lap/ 3 people on 2 seats. (Thank you Mary and JoeI am sure next concert you will sit well next to me making sure that if someting happens you don’t have to babysit me on a lap (TEASING) Dan talked about how he had to sing and sing and sing and… for about one hour until the wedding could get started LATE, everyone laughed. then he sang the song he had sung for their wedding. I had my head on Mary Roys shoulder crying. There were many there last night who saw the story and also that I knew including Rufus Woods who came up and just hugged me. I kidded Rufus and said finally how great the Wenatchee World was being. (I think it really is great and Woods House for Music is Wonderful) I told him that the hospital press was having some problems and we might not be able to get the new edition of the book “I have this Day” printed to be with me Sat. His answer. let me know we probably can do it for you at the World. To say the evening was wonderful is a mild understatement. And Dan said he will be there absolutly. Now when I got home I was talking to someone and then said you know when I mix things up, is there any chance I said Sunday instead of Saturday so Dan you may want to check that the rare (ya right ) mess up Thelma didn’t make that mistake also Much love.. Mary/Thelma
  13. Rose Marie & family Says:
    DanO and Cam, My heart goes out to you both. DanO, you know I have lost a couple of loved ones to this horrible cancer, and I feel your pain. We will all miss Sandy’s smile and her strong and positive attitude. Take advantage of the love and support that family and friends give, because you will need it to get through the next phase of this journey. Sandy will no no longer be sick, and she’ll always know how much everyone loved her. You and Cam, on the other hand, need to take care of yourselves. You know Sandy would want that. Its okay to let your emotions come out, whether when you’re alone or when someone gives you guys a big hug, but it’ll be good to do that. We all will feel the sadness of not having her here on earth with us. We will also celebrate the way she’d want us to, because of the joy she brought to our lives with her smile, strength and courage. Take care and I’ll see you on the 19th.
  14. Shirl Says:
    Dan & Cam, you know I’d be there on the 19th if I could. Unfortunately, it’s chemo #23 for me during that time. I’ll be thinking of you two on that day, and picturing Sandy’s smile beaming down upon you all. Love, Shirl
  15. Ann F Morgan Says:
    Dan and family, I wish I had met Sandy, Cameron and you during my visits to sister Pat and Eric. It would have been a great pleasure to do so. Reading your journal and hearing wonderful things from Pat about Sandy make me realize what a treasure Sandy is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I too, select The Secret Garden as one of my favorite stories, so now when I read it , Sandy will be in my thoughts.
  16. Susie Schweizer Says:
    Dan, Words cannot express the grief that I found when Sandy left this world. I am better for having the chance to have met her in this lifetime. You two have inspired me beyond belief. I only wish to have a marriage and a love that you two shared. So you bet I will be there to celebrate her life. See you on the 19th. Here’s to Sandy!!
  17. Rich Feldman Says:
    Dan, I’m traveling on the East Coast and will not be able to stop by. I was so glad I was able to visit with you and Sandy after Heather’s retirement party. When I was there I read a clipping Sandy had upstairs. I can’t quite remember what it said but it was about how to live life and think positively. A series of phrases and thoughts to keep in mind when one is facing adversity. In the past, I’ve kind of looked at those “how-tos” a little askance; how can someone really live life based on a list or an advice book. But I can see now that Sandy was not only able to take those words to heart she went far beyond them instilling new meaning and spiritual depth. She LIVED her life with everything she had and the glow that surrounded her lit up everyone that met her. I will always remember Sandy’s hearty laugh. So along with the tears I’ll be laughing at something inane just like Sandy would. Here’s a toast to you and everyone there celebrating Sandy’s life. Love, Rich Feldman

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