Sandy Beardsley
Living with a Brain Tumor

October 2024
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Sandy’s Celebration
Filed under: General
Posted by: Dan @ 8:30 am

I just want to say thank you to everyone for a wonderful and powerful celebration of Sandy’s life. Sandy’s spirit was definitely present and smiling and laughing with approval. That was a party she would have loved.

Thank you to all those who made the party happen. I won’t name names but you know who you are… the planners, the organizers, the people who took care of a hundred little details, the landscaping crew, the people who supplied chairs and tables and tents, the people who brought food and drink and flowers, the parking crew, the slide show creator, the greeting area crew, the singers and flute player, the clean-up crew, and everyone involved.

And thank you to the 250 or so people who were at the gathering (and those who could not attend but were there in spirit). Your show of love and support for Sandy, myself, our families, and the circle of friends who loved her was profoundly moving. All of your hugs kept me from falling down. We are so blessed to live in this community and be encircled by so much love… celebrating life and death openly and with equal passion. I am honored and humbled to be a part of it. I will remember and cherish that day forever. It was a beautiful experience.

And though it is quiet now, the Garden of Friendship is still glowing with love…

photo by PJ, Sandy’s hospice nurse

Thank you again.

With love and gratitude,

14 Responses to “Sandy’s Celebration”

  1. Anna and Lee Says:
    Dan, What a celebration it must have been!! We were definitely feeling the vibes in Virginia. Reflecting on your journey - and all the love and friendship that has grown from it and with it- has enriched our lives. Add us to the list of the honored and humble. Looking forward to visiting the garden on our return. With great admiration and affection, your neighbors, Anna and Lee
  2. Robin O'Hearn Says:
    Dan, It was a fine celebration. Sandy would definitely have approved–even the flowers in the outhouse! We appreciated the hard work of those who organized it. Dan, it had to have been difficult for you to get up and talk, but I soaked in every word. If any of your blogwatchers haven’t OD’d on photos of our amazing LiveSTRONG weekend in Portland, the following should about put them over the edge: Great to see all our teammates again. Love, Robin & Chris
  3. Robin O'Hearn Says:
    Ok, so the website didn’t come thru. Let me try again…. Don’t we just love technology–if we can get it to work right?
  4. Robin O'Hearn Says:
    aha! I’ve got it figured out now. Click on my underlined name (Robin O’Hearn) to go to the website. P.S. for those of us hooked on this blog, you’d better be starting on your next entry, Dan, as we’ll be checking back regularly. nighty nite, Robin
  5. Paul Says:
    I’m sorry I missed the gathering… have been away. Prayers of peace, of love are all for you Dan. May His Blessings be with you and your family. Be at peace Sandy. Paul
  6. Thelma Says:
    The treasure of being there. Joining all to a wonderful celebration will remain forever in my heart. Dan did to say it was a beautiful job of talking is my treasured Brad putting it mildly. It will remain forever in my heart with love that special day. Mary/Thelma
  7. Theresa Says:
    Dan, When you are ready to write yours and Sandy’s book, let me know at You are a special person. I’m grateful you and Sandy had your time together and forever.
  8. Mary Lou Johnson Says:
    Dan, Sandy’s celebration of life was all of that and more. The entire Garden of Friendship reverberated with the glow of Sandy’s spirit. And you conveyed that through your wonderful sharing of stories–yellow balloons now carry a totally enriched meaning–feelings, and emotions. Thank you too for sharing your and Sandy’s journey in this way….it’s allowed us, each in our own way, to be with you. Livestrong, Sandystrong. with great respect, Mary Lou
  9. Leslie Brown Says:
    Hi Dan - I have been thinking of you all week and thinking back to the great tribute to Sandy last Saturday. What an awesome day true to her spirit. Thank you for sharing your stories and incredible love for her to all of us. I want to keep in touch and am looking forward to next summer for the Livestrong Challenge event again! Take care, Peace to you,
  10. Caryn O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Says:
    Dearest Dan, It’s been a week since the gathering in the Garden of Friendship but am still feeling the glow of love which permiated there. The outpouring of affection and admiration was truly incredible. You are indeed blessed to be in the company of such warm and caring friends. Your dignity and compassion throughout the day were indeed a fine tribute to your beloved Sandy whom I know was looking down upon you with pride as well as deep love. Hugs from your #1 fan. Mom
  11. The Lofas family Says:
    Dan, As you’ve been for many months now, you are in our thoughts and our prayers. Although we’ve never met, our mothers are long-time friends, and my husband, three children and I have followed Sandy’s journey, marveling at the frank eloquence, willingness to share and strength that you and Sandy have shown. While we were very, very sad to hear that Sandy’s tumor had outgrown further treatment, signaling the end of her earthly journey, we had some understanding and acceptance of that outcome. Our son, Johan, was recently diagnosed with a third brain lesion, likely an astrocytoma (the first two were ependymomas), so we, like you and Sandy, are not rookies at this and are well aware of the statistics and probable outcomes even as we hope and pray. You are in our thoughts every day and we pray for you - for strength, for healing and for peace and acceptance. May your life continue to be filled with joy, even as you shoulder loss and grief. As you are able, please keep writing. Your words have such great power and beauty. I cannot thank Sandy and you enough for that gift you’ve given us, and I hope we’ll continue to read and absorb your words for some time to come. Love from the Lofas family, Nan, Lars, Johan, Finn and Ava
  12. The Lofas family Says:
    Dan, I want to give you both our email and Johan’s Caringbridge (brain-tumor blog) address. We can be reached at and the web address that chronicles Johan’s brain-tumor journey is Love from The Lofas family
  13. Leda Says:
    I’ve been very quiet but very close to you. No words can express my pain, admiration and participation. However, those like you, the Lofas family and many others as my daughter who have been challenged with a brain tumour know. We know and are forever thankful for people like yourself and Sandy. God bless and keep in touch!
  14. Margaret & Greg Says:
    Dear Dan, We have been tied up since Sandy’s Celebration organizing & running a yearly riding clinic in Cashmere. We do not want you to think that our recent silence means that we haven’t thought of you and Sandy with a silent prayer every day. We have closely held the indescribable feeling of Sandy’s Celebration in our hearts since that special day. We have never before experienced anything like the profound outpouring of love and community that we felt on that day. How lucky we are to live in this special place and to know you and Sandy. You have given us all so much. We continue to hold you in our hearts and will see you soon, dear friend. Margaret & Greg

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