Sandy Beardsley
Living with a Brain Tumor

October 2024
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Happy New Year
Filed under: General
Posted by: Dan @ 11:06 am

Sandy and I on the deck of a beachfront restaurant in
celebrating the New Year on January 1, 2004

My New Year’s resolution is to honor her memory and continue to try to live life and enjoy every moment as she did. Because we don’t know how many moments we have left. Though continuing on without her seems impossible some days, I remind myself to breathe, count my blessings… and keep going.

Tonight I’ll build a campfire out in the snow-covered Garden of Friendship, raise a glass of wine to the stars at midnight, and give our usual toast…
“Here’s looking at you, kid…”

And Sandy would always smile and say, “To us.”

Best wishes to everyone in the New Year.


12 Responses to “Happy New Year”

  1. Leda Says:
  2. jkw Says:
    Definitely LIVESTRONG! Keep on breathing Dan. May this New Year find you with many more moments to enjoy. Sending you positive thoughts, wishes, and prayers.
  3. Leslie Brown Says:
    Dan, thinking of you as this New Year arrives. What a great picture of the two of you. As you toast in the New Year outside tonight, Sandy will be hanging out the stars and smiling down on you. Best wishes!
  4. Carol Truitt Says:
    Dan, Wishing you the best of all things for the New Year. Every breath you take, every word you write is an honor to Sandy and your relationship with her. And I feel honored and blessed to have known Sandy and you, and to read your words. Thank you again, Dan, for allowing so many of us to be a part of your lives. LIVESTRONG, Dan, and may peace and happiness be with you in this New Year. Love, Carol
  5. Anonymous Says:
    I love you Dan. Your sis Caryn.
  6. PJ Says:
    Dan, You ARE Living Strong!!! and I am so proud of you and I know in my heart that Sandy walks gently and proudly beside you also as you walk into this new year with her, if not physically beside you… deeply beside you! Blessings and Peace with Joy may you walk and LIVESTRONG.
  7. Caryn O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Says:
    Dan–always the perfect words. And yes, those of us who have walked beside you in this journey will LIVE STRONG with your insiration as our guide. Love you, Mom
  8. Robert Bowman Says:
    Keep living strong Dan. It is such an honor to continue to read this journal and follow your journey. Thank you for allowing us to do so. And your picture of the gnome with the Christmas tree is awesome.
  9. The Lofas family Says:
    Happy New Year, Dan! Happy New Year, Sandy! Thanks for the reminder that we all need to take a deep breath, appreciate each moment and remember our blessings and keep going. That sounds like a perfect resolution for 2007 (but keep the reminders coming - I forget my resolutions ALl the time!!) We look forward to hearing from you in 2007. Love, Nan & family xxoo
  10. Tracy Ismert Says:
    Dan I am so glad that you have found the strengh and courage to honor Sandy’s old life and her new “life”. You know as much as we do that our loved ones still live in our hearts and minds and are with us in the everyday things that we do. Some one once told me that stars are little glimpes of heaven that our loved ones have pulled back to show us. I know it’s totally corney but I just loved that thought. May your 2007 bring you peace, joy and good health. Tracy. ( NBTF walk SF)
  11. Susie Says:
    Dan, Just thinking about you and I’m also thinking about my beautiful cousin. Every day she smiles down at me from a picture that I have above my desk at school. She is always my inspiration when ever I feel low or sorry for myself. I hear her voice I know what she would say, “No regrets…Livestrong.” I love the News Years picture of the two of you. You are also an inspiration Dan. Please keep writing. We hope to get up your way very soon. We’ll give you a call. Love, Susie
  12. April, Jerry and Casey Says:
    We toast to Sandy at any time possible, including tonight. We think of you and her often. We will have frosted flakes by candle light in her honor soon… Casey still talks about her.. Happy New Year….. April, Jerry and Casey

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