Sandy died at 3:30 pm today. She went peacefully and with no pain. I was in bed by her side, holding her hand. Her breath slowed and she gave the softest sigh, and she was gone.
For the past couple of months I had been reading the book “The Secret Garden” to her occassionally. It is one of her favorite books, and I had never read it before. This morning at around 6am I started reading the final chapters to her. Something compelled me to finish the book.About three hours later, we finished — a perfect book for me to read right now. She must have planned it that way — so many messages for us in those final pages. As I read the last words, I looked at her laying in bed next to me. A faint smile passed across her face and then a tear fell from one eye. I knew she had heard every word, and it was her spirit that made me finally finish the book.
There is a line near the end of the book when a little boy discovers the magic of the garden… “I shall live forever… and ever… and ever…”
Sandy shall live forever in all of our hearts.
And she will be gathering our tears to water the garden.
Good night my love… and sweet dreams,